Sunday, February 22, 2009


Friday night, my two friends Lucia and Gaël, Dutch and Belgian respectively, hosted a party for the international students.

The theme was Carnival! which is essentially the Dutch/Belgian equivalent of Mardigras. Everyone dressed up in costume; my friends Agathe, Jen, Christophe, Benjamin and I went as a group costume, The Power Rangers. It certainly made for an interesting night as later we moved the party to Molly's which is the local night club we frequent. So we went out on the town still dressed as power ranger.

I may or may not post pictures of this.

The night culminated in a sleepover at Agathe and Jen's flat where we moved all the mattresses into the living room. We spent the next day thoroughly exhausted and though it was lovely weather, we laid in Agathe's living room and watched movies all day, moving as infrequently as possible.

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